How Does New Age Counselling Work?


New Age Counselling works in conjunction with conventional methods of counselling but approaches problems and issues from a holistic perspective. That is to say, intuitiveness in the form of clairvoyance and channelling from Spirit (those who have passed over) Spirit Guides, Angel’s or Ascended Masters, aid and often enhance the likes of cognitive therapies or talk and discussions during a session.

    This in turn helps to find the overall reasons and roots to problems, providing quicker, positive solutions. This style of counselling is in comparison to regular counselling sessions that can continue for so much longer.


   Most physical issues reside in the emotional body. By creating balance and bringing

spiritual awareness, better aids our overall health. 


    When a root cause is identified, it is recommended the client avails of energy healing (bed or attunement) or other activities, which  then allows them to hold onto the memory for personal growth, but remove (or lessen) the effect it has on them. 

We cannot properly evolve as lighter beings if there are energy blocks on our system. These blocks often manifest in the form of physical, mental or emotional issues. New Age Counselling aims to identify the roots of these blocks and offer solutions to help dissolve them. 


How many sessions of New Age Counselling is recommended?


There are no hard or fast commitments to a session, the client can decide themselves how often they’d like to visit.

Often though, a minimum of three sessions is recommended for a more consistent effect. Again, it depends on individual needs and is discussed during or at the end of the session. A new appointment is then arranged.


Who can benefit From New Age Counselling and Healing?

Everybody! Regardless of age, gender, culture or creed we all need healing at some stage of our life (we wouldn't be on the earth if we didn't). I work with children, teenagers and adults of all shapes and sizes. No problem is too big or too small. If you've had physical concerns ongoing or in the past, energy healing is highly recommend to help clear the root of the problem.


What type of issues does New Age Counselling help?


There are a huge variety of issues. These can range from depression, grief,  lack of confidence, anxiousness, self worth and self deserving, family, relationships (romantic or otherwise) or past life effects, feeling stuck or blocked, confusion, insecurity, physical conditions or feeling generally unmotivated.

Often so many of our problems lie in sub-conscious patterns, learnt by us from many different sources. These can be detrimental to our overall health and well being.  Community consciousness, religious conditionings, parental expectations and conformity,  society in general etc

all have an affect.

Understanding and then freeing ourselves of these patterns and beliefs brings liberation to the soul. It helps us find our true selves. This is an essential  component for spiritual development.   


Do I need to have a problem before I book a session?


The answer is no!

A number of people come along to each session with the sole intention of connecting to a loved one from the Spirit World. The Spirit world connect via a medium with the intention to help their loved ones on earth. The Spirit cannot properly move ahead if we don't. Its a two way street. Often during discussion, information becomes apparent that unresolved problems need healing.

Mediumship works in connection to the healing and not separate from it. 



All sessions are carried out in a comfortable, non-judgemental, confidential environment.


What type of ‘tools’ are used in each session?


As individual as we all are, tools used in a session can vary. The following is a list of what may be used (all or some), based on the individual’s requirements (please note each session will not be based on one single topic alone).


Empathic Cognitive therapy

Exploratory discussions

Channelling from Master guides

Dream Analysis

Past Lives


Astrology planetary shifts and Astrological personality traits


Reiki bed healing (or level 1 attumentment)

Angelic intervention and guidance

Animal and pet intuitiveness and healing

Land healing and clearing

Crystal prescription

Angel and Tarot cards



  • Please Note:

        All sessions are on an individual basis only.

  • Appointments are secured in advance.

  • This style of healing should not be confused with a 'reading' but focuses

  • on the clients healing for soul growth.